Magistral Books Canada

Magistral Books Canada

How to reduce your risk of being audited by the CRA

How to reduce your risk o...

1) Avoid revenue discrepancies between tax forms. If they don’t match, you increase your risk of being audited. 2) Avoid large business expenses with no backup documentation. 3) Avoid having financial ratios too far away from your competitors in your industry 4) Avoid claiming home office expenses and use of a vehicle at a non-reasonable …

How to reduce your risk of being audited by the CRA Read More »

Any advice to make bookkeeping easier?

Any advice to make bookke...

1) Do not mingle your personal and business transactions. By using different bank accounts and different credit cards, bookkeeping itself will be easier and bookkeeping cost will be lower. Keeping Personal and Business Finances separate is always recommended. 2) Avoid Cash because it may be difficult to keep track of your expenses. You are more …

Any advice to make bookkeeping easier? Read More »

Relevant tax write-offs for small businesses

Relevant tax write-offs f...

Tax deductions are costs that you can deduct from your income.Here are some relevant tax write-offs for small businesses: Business Food As a small business, you can draw up 50 percent of the right work-related food and beverage purchases. Work-Related Travel Expenses All travel-related expenses can be deducted at tax time, including flight, hotels, car …

Relevant tax write-offs for small businesses Read More »